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ARCTECH is an EU-funded MSCA Doctoral Network that seeks to generate excellence in research and training, providing future graduates that can advance the field of microbial biotechnology. Our limited knowledge of the structure of the archaeal cell surface and its role solute exchange, host-virus interaction and the formation of biofilms, is currently hampering the large-scale use of these promising platform organisms in biotechnology. The goal of ARCTECH is to train a new generation of interdisciplinary and cross-sectorial scientists and entrepreneurs with cutting edge skill sets in archaeal biology, biotechnology and specialised bioimaging. ARCTECH will provide cross-disciplinary knowledge transfer, intersectoral mobility and local/network-wide training for all doctoral candidates. ARCTECH will unveil new insights into the building blocks of archaeal life and unlock the full biotechnological power that archaea possess.

Contact info Coordinator Arctech project

University of Groningen

PO box 11103, 9700CC Groningen, Netherlands